121 research outputs found

    Maxims of Component Analysis: Building on Consistency and Inconsistency of Component Analysis of Chinese characters (In Chinese)

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    特邀演講2 (Featured Presentation 2)部件是漢字的直接構成成份,對部件的認識,特別是部件構字的規則,是漢字教學 十分重要而且基礎的教學內容知識 (Pedagogical Content Knowledge)。大量實證研究 結果顯示,培養學生對部件的覺識,大大提高學生漢字學習的成效。 然而,漢字如何分拆為部件,其間有何準則?以「業」字為例,有學者分拆為 「业」、「羊」、「ハ」(),但另 有學者卻分拆為「业」、「䒑」、「未」()。這些 差異,反映了漢字部件研究仍有尚待釐清之處,例如,這類分拆有異的漢字有多少? 為何有拆分差異?現時的漢字部件拆分研究的理論,能否解釋、評價,乃至判斷這 些差異?更重要者,我們能否比較不同學者對漢字部件的拆分,整理出漢字如何分 拆為部件,其間有何準則?有多少準則?這些準則之間有何關係並構成怎樣的系統? 本文選取香港教育局《小學學習字詞表》第一學習階段(小一至小三)的 1775 字 為研究對象,比較以下四個港台兩地學術網上漢字平台的部件分拆結果,以見不同 學者對該 1775 字漢字部件分拆的一致性與差異性 .....published_or_final_versio

    利用「R」分析漢字 - 邁向漢字統計學的建立

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    The Conference abstracts' website is located at http://www.cacler.hku.hk/conference12c/漢字研究: 論文摘要 no. 27This study aims at building database of Chinese character by using an open source statistical software “R”, and simulating the historical change of pronunciation of Chinese character by using “R”. “R” has becoming a more and more popular statistical software. It is good at … 本研究旨在以開源數據統計分析軟體「R」建立漢字分析的資料庫,並利用資料庫作統計分析,模擬漢字字音的歷史演變,作為漢字統計學的應用示例。 R 是近年流行與統計學界的開源軟體,長於 ...postprin

    閱讀理解評估素養 - 閱讀篇章特徵在擬題中的位置

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    The article can be viewed at: http://wlts.edb.hkedcity.net/filemanager/file/AandL2chapter/A&L2_(7)%20JosephLam.pd

    The influence of the language that Hong Kong primary school students habitually speak at home on their Chinese reading ability in school

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    This study examines how the language used at home, Putonghua or Cantonese, has influenced the Chinese reading attainment of 4335 primary school students in Hong Kong. Also examined was the influence of the birthplace and home background socioeconomic status (SES) of the reader. Although the indigenous Hong Kong population uses Cantonese, a dialect of Chinese, for everyday communications, the Chinese written in school is Modern Standard Written Chinese (MSWC), the written equivalent of Putonghua, the spoken language of the people of China. Many of the numerous families migrating from China to Hong Kong in recent years have brought with them children educated in Putonghua in China and with extensive experience of MSWC. It was hypothesised that the reading attainment of these students would be superior to that of classmates born in Hong Kong and using Cantonese habitually. This would apply particularly to students from advantaged SES homes. The children born in China indeed had superior reading attainment. But children speaking Cantonese at home and Putonghua 'sometimes' had the highest reading scores, regardless of their birthplace or SES. The writers reflect on assumptions about the influence of the language used at home on language attainment and the implications for educational planning. © 2007 S-k. Tse et al.published_or_final_versio

    Examining Factor Structure of the Chinese Version of the PIRLS 2011 Home Questionnaire

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    The home questionnaire of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS-HQ 2011) was designed to gather information from parents or primary caregivers of fourth-grade pupils on their reading literacy development related to aspects of pupils’ home lives across countries/districts. The questionnaire was translated into different languages for international comparison and research purposes. This study aims to assess the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the PIRLS 2011 home questionnaire (PIRLS-HQCV 2011) and identify the underlying factor structure using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) among Chinese fourth-grade pupils in Hong Kong. A 7-factor structure model has been identified by EFA and confirmed to resemble much to the original PIRLS structure by CFA. Additional conceptually important domains have been identified which add further insights into the inconclusive results in the literature regarding the relationship between home factors and reading achievement. Implications for further studies are discussed.published_or_final_versio

    The impact of blogging on Hong Kong primary school students' bilingual reading literacy

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    This study looked at the types of blog consulted by 1,298 Primary 4 students in Hong Kong and whether such consultation influenced performance on standardised tests of Chinese and English reading comprehension. When students were asked if they consulted Chinese and English blogs, 42% said they looked at Chinese blogs and 19% said they looked at English blogs. This difference was anticipated since Chinese is the mother tongue of most primary school students in Hong Kong and English is a second language. The themes of sites consulted were categorised into types: the Chinese blogs being able to be categorised into three types, and the English blogs into two. Boys and girls differed in their choice of Chinese and English blog topics and the strength of the students' Chinese and English reading proficiency clearly had some influence on the choice of blogs consulted. Factor analysis was used to group together types of blog and analysis of variance was applied to test differences in performance. With over half of the students saying they did not consult either Chinese or English blogs, it is unwise to draw weighty conclusions about the influence of blogging on reading standards. There was little evidence that regularly consulting the Internet was associated with high grades on either Chinese or English reading tests. Given the large number of students who said they had never consulted blogs, discussion of the analytical outcomes and conclusions are guarded but recommendations are offered.published_or_final_versio

    Using hypertext and mind-map to enhancing grade 5 students' literacy strategies and self-efficacy in informational text reading in Hong Kong

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    Psper Session - SIG Research on reading, writing and oraciesRELEVANT NATIONAL CONTEXT: Expository readings found in Chinese language textbooks are often much more difficult to understand than narrative readings because of greater concept load. Textbook reading written to convey information about Chinese culture can be an especially formidable hurdle for the struggling reader in grades 4 through ...postprin


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    The article can be viewed at: http://wlts.edb.hkedcity.net/filemanager/file/AandLchapter/A&L_(6)%20Lam_Poon_Yum.pd


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    Conference Theme: Assessment For, Of and As Learning: Optimising the Roles of Assessment in Learning and Teaching (促進學習的評估、對學習的評估及作為學習的評估:優化評估在學與教中的角色)Parallel Session B4本論文旨在分析香港小學生口語故事之結構,以探討評估小學生口語能 力的水平指標,進而發展為學習而評估的學習課件。 本論文發展自「香港小學學習階段中國語文學習領域說話基本能力評估 研究及網上學與教支援課件制作」研究。研究人員在三所香港小學各抽 選小三學生六名、小六學生六名為研究個案樣本,總體個案人數為三十 六人,他們的中國語文能力分別為高能力、中等能力及能力稍遜,男生 與女生各半。研究人員以看圖說故事方式,蒐集了學生即場創作的口語 故事,謄錄後,利用 NVivo 軟件記錄、編碼,最後分析得香港小學生口 語故事的結構與層次。根據分析所得,比較高中低能力學生的差異,以 研究香港小學生說故事能力水平的指標。 根據上述研究所得,本文作者為促進學習的評估發展了口語故事結構的 量化統計,並於上述研究設計網上的課件,並提供了發展的可行平台。published_or_final_versio

    Uncovering the modes of Hong Kong Schools supporting non-Chinese speakers to learn Chinese and their communities of practices

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    Paper PresentationSince the introduction of “bi‐literate trilingual” policy in 1997 in the education system, Hong Kong students are required to become proficient bi‐literate in English and Chinese, and trilingual in Cantonese, English and Putonghua. This policy also applies to the increasing number of non‐Chinese speaking (NCS) students. With an aim to provide more suitable language education for the increasing number of NCS students, some local sch...postprin